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Name:                                        Willem Hendricus Starink,
                                                    born at 10 June 1950, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Familylife:                                  Married with Carolien Annemarie Sliep.
                                                    3 children (boys) of 18, 20 and 21 years old.

Address:                                     Verwersdijk 56a,  2611 NJ,  Delft, the Netherlands.
Phone:                                         private: +31 (0)15 2120932, work: +31 (0)10 2482275

Present function:                        Quality Manager at Hydro Agri Rotterdam BV, the Netherlands.

Education:                                   1974 / 1979    Technical college bachelor degree Civil Construction and Architecture
                                                                            at the Polytechnic Institute The Hague.
                                                     1982               Civil planning and organisation, BOB, Rotterdam.
                                                     1992               Post Business training (financial-economic) at the Agricultural College,
                                                                            Delft, the Netherlands.
                                                     1995               Certified Kaizen-management facilitator, Kaizen Support AB Sweden
                                                                            at the Hydro Fertilizer Academy Oslo.
                                                     1997               Certified Parallel Thinking Trainer (Six Thinking Hats), APT&T at the
                                                                            HFA, Oslo.
Training:                                      1983               Eric Krauthammer management-training course at the EKSA
                                                                            management SA, Friburg, Swiss.
                                                     1989               Management to Industrial waste and soilpolution areas at the Geoplan
                                                                            Postacademic Institute Amsterdam.
                                                     1984 / 1990    Several courses for special corrosion protection.
                                                     1993               Procurement and Purchase course at HFT, Copenhagen.
                                                     1995               Proactive procurement course at the NIVE, Antwerpen.
                                                     1998               Balanced scorecard for businessprocess and management at the
                                                                            NIVE, Rotterdam.
                                                     1998               New ISO 9000 after the year 2000 based on process management at
                                                                            the Dutch Normalisation Institute.

Professional experience:            1996 / now      Quality Manager at Hydro Agri Roterdam BV, Phosphoric-acid plant,
                                                                            and a Liquid fertilizer plant.
                                                                            Responsible field of work:
                                                                            - Descripsion of the new organisation HAR after reorganisation of
                                                                              1996 and SAP implimentation in 1998.
                                                                            - ISO 9000 certification and TQM improvement programs.
                                                                            - ISO 9000 cert. School for Fire Emergency Training.
                                                                            Leading the TQ team and the seven TQ assistants.

                                                     1983 / 1995    Head Civil Engineering and services at HAR.
                                                                           Responsible field of work:
                                                                            - Managing the reconstructionproject of the civil infrastructure
                                                                               (production buildings, harbour facilities, sewage system etc.) at
                                                                               the location HAR, Rotterdam.
                                                                            - Civil engineering from design proposal, permits, financial budget,
                                                                               purchasing, construction till delivery.
                                                                            - Managing of the engineering and construction of a new Liquid
                                                                               fertilizer plant, Feedphosphate plant, Sulphuric acid storage location,
                                                                               Phosphoric acid plant, Soluble fertilizer plant and a new quay for
                                                                               intake of phosphate.
                                                                               Civil budget abt. Hfl 25.000.000,-
                                                                            - Managing the Civil maintenance and services.
                                                                               (specific: Corrosion protection systems to steel and concrete
                                                                               constructions, cost efficiency programs and issue process design for
                                                                               new materials).
                                                                            - Managing the reconstruction (demolition of civil facilities and
                                                                               soilpolution) of former Shell location in Rotterdam, (Pilotproject in
                                                                               Holland) in 1989.
                                                                            - Managing the demolition of Sulphuric acid plant and the Super
                                                                               Phosphate plant in 1986 and 1990.
                                                                            - Several feasability studies on new business proposals for Hydro Agri
                                                                               Rotterdam BV.
                                                                            - Member at a committee of corrosion experts from Chemical
                                                                               Industries in Europort Rotterdam.
                                                                            - Management to 10 employees and abt. 80 contractor employees.

                                                     1995               Senior project engineer at Hydro Agri Sluiskil, Holland.
                                                                            Three Ammonia plants, two Urea plants, one Nitrate plant and two
                                                                            Nutric acid plants.
                                                                            Responsible field of work:
                                                                            - Project proposal for reconstruction of the total clean water and
                                                                               chemical sewage system.

                                                     1982 / 1983    Own business as architect.
                                                     1981 / 1982    Civil Costing clerk at a buil ding contractor company.

                                                     1966 / 1981    Civil engineer at several engineering companies for civil projects among
                                                                            which Shell, Esso and Philips.

Private experience:                    1989 / 1993     Chairman of the board of directors of a group of private schools.

                                                     1992                Winner of the city of Delft New Business Award.
                                                                             (new concept in the holiday business).

                                                     1994 / now       Vice-chairman of the board of directors of a hockey club.

Hobbies:                                                               Sailing, hockey, diving, ice-skating and skiing.

Contact Willem Starink
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